Cook with us at home > on Youtube

Although our opening date has shifted to next year, we are using this time to evolve our business strategy and solidify our concept. And experiment with some recipes at home!

Cook with us on YouTube

We can't wait to serve you some amazing food once we open our doors. In the meantime, we're cooking and sharing our favorite dishes on our YouTube channel:

• Fry a whole red snapper (and make our Suya spice mix) with Kwasi

• Make Mo:Mo/मो:मो at home with Biplaw


Q&A for Mainvest Investors: September 1st

When we ran our Mainvest campaign, back in February, we couldn't have imagined how COVID-19 affected the world and the devastating impact it's had on multiple lives, economies, and in particular, the food industry.

We have shifted our revenue focus and made distinctive business decisions to ensure our success. We are confident we will emerge stronger when we open!

If you have any questions about our next steps, we'd like to hear from you!

Please email us back by the end of this month, and we'll record a video to share our responses. (If we get a good response, we will consider hosting a live session.)

As always, thank you for your continued support and for being a part of our journey.

Comfort Kitchen Team
Biplaw, Nyacko, and Kwasi

rita ferreira