Our thoughts

We were going to post this picture to promote our last weekend at @meimeiboston but we simply cannot be silent about the hate crimes that took place on Tuesday, March 16, by a domestic terrorist and continues this country’s legacy of anti-Asian violence, misogyny, and White supremacy.

Much like on this window, we are a small part of the story but we hope to use our small platform to speak out and push for change. Particularly change to the current anti-Asian hatred, violence, and brutality against minorities in particular. As our friend @tip.fallon put it “the antidote to white supremacy is community.” Let’s stand together.

We continue to pray for the eight lives that were gruesomely murdered, their families and their communities🙏🏾This hatred and violence is not only recent but constant and systemic — this is what White supremacy does — it continues to take lives, destroy communities and worst of all, aims to divide all of us despite us having the same oppressor. We stand against Anti-Asian hate in all its forms. We stand against all oppression. As Murri visual artist, activist and academic Lilla Watson states “If you have come here to help me you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.

rita ferreira